As the lockdown gets extended, it seems a good time to say how we’re responding as an agency.
Roz and I are both working remotely, as normally as possible. I’m missing the gym, but am getting out for walks and also finding online workouts. Roz is also doing a lot of walking. Public transport and the daily commute is harder to pine for.
Not having to travel to meetings has given us more time to talk to more people, so we’re catching up more often with publishers and producers. There’s a feeling that we all want to keep the wheels turning. Contracts are being processed, we’re sending publishers and producers stuff to read, money is changing hands, and we’re as focused as always on how to move our clients forward.
It’s also a great time for developing ideas and new projects, and taking a fresh look at how we work and how we can be more effective.
So we’ve been thinking about the agency, and also how best to advise our clients, and the writer community in general. Roz and I have been discussing that today, and the next blogs will address this, so watch this space!